CRMC Public Re-Notice

What the future may look like with an aquaculture farm next to the Seapowet Wildlife Management Area in Tiverton.

May 15, 2023

Dear Save Seapowet Supporters,

On May 9, 2023 the Coastal Resources Management Council (“CRMC”) re-noticed the Bowen application for up to 200 oyster cages in the public and highly used marine wildlife and recreation area of Tiverton, RI. CRMC gave 30 days from May 9th for public comment. This is the same application that was submitted in November 2020 in the same location.

June 8th is the deadline to submit your objection letter.

It’s important that every person who objects will write and submit their objections to the CRMC before June 8, 2023, even if they wrote previously.

Your letter can restate what you already submitted. Please include any new or updated facts, observations, and analyses, you have thought of since your first submission. Forty percent of the proposed lease is in the public shellfish area. This makes the proposed area off limits to the public for clamming.

  • We continue to believe there is overwhelming evidence to deny this application.

  • The location unreasonably interferes with, impairs, and significantly impacts existing public access to and use of tidal waters and/or the shore.

  • The location creates significant conflicts with water dependent uses and activities such as recreational boating, swimming, and navigation.

  • Many of the reviews of this application by certain agencies or organizations, such as the Tiverton Harbor Commission, took place before complete information was available to them from public objectors and stakeholders.

Keep in mind, for your submission:

Per CRMC regulations a proposed aquaculture operation must demonstrate all of the following.  

  • It will not unreasonably interfere with, impair, or significantly impact existing public access to, or use of, tidal waters, and/or the shore.

  • It will not result in significant conflicts with water dependent uses and activities such as recreational boating, swimming, navigation and commerce. 

  • All applicable local zoning ordinances, building codes and all environmental requirements have or will be met.

  • It will not result in significant impacts or erosion and/or deposition processes along the shore and in tidal waters.

  • It will not result in significant impacts on the abundance and diversity of plant and animal life.

  • It will not result in significant impacts to water circulation, flushing, turbidity and sedimentation.

  • Measures have been taken to minimize scenic impact.

If the application fails to demonstrate any one of these items, the permit may not be issued.   Your comments can illustrate these failures.

The Tiverton Harbor Commission meets tomorrow; Monday, May 15 at 7pm at the Tiverton Town Hall. They will discuss the re-notice issue. Please feel free to attend and to show your support.

Please send your letter to:

  • Jeff Willis, Executive Director, CRMC

  • Ben Goetsch, Aquaculture Coordinator, CRMC

  • CRMC Staff

Subject: Objection CRMC File # 2020-04-037 (Bowen application)


  • Rep. John Edwards

  • Sen. Lou DiPalma

  • Denise DeMedeiros, Chair, Tiverton Town Council

  • Bruce Cox, Chair, Tiverton Harbor Commission

  • Save Seapowet

Email addresses are listed below so you can easily copy them.




Objection Letter Reminder


Update on Legislation