Oyster farmers vie with recreational users

This series is supported by the Pulitzer Center and the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Aquaculture Farmers and Recreational Users Tussle for Space Along Rhode Island’s Crowded Coastline

August 21, 2021

A paddleboarder on the Sakonnet River in Tiverton passes near an area that could host a nearly 1-acre aquaculture operation. (Frank Carini/ecoRI News)

By FRANK CARINI/ecoRI News staff

TIVERTON, R.I. — The Ocean State’s coastal areas and its salt

ponds are some of the most popular, crowded and treasured spots in

the state. They are recreational havens, economic drivers and food


Green Hill, Ninigret, Point Judith, Potter, Quonochontaug and

Winnapaug ponds run along Rhode Island’s southern coast. These

ponds are coastal lagoons with shallow water that are separated

from the open ocean by a natural barrier, creating a protected

environment that hosts an assortment of wildlife and myriad

activities. On any given day, especially in the summer, you can find

people boating, swimming, paddling, tubing, kite surfing, fishing

and birding.

These ponds, as well as areas like the Sakonnet River and

Nanaquaket Pond in Tiverton, have also become desired locations

for aquaculture. These operations are particularly suited for salt

ponds and coastal areas, because of shallower water, a longer

growing season and easier access.

Eighty-one Rhode Island aquaculture operations take up 339.08 acres of coastal waters. (Rod Hudson/Roger Williams University)

Rhode Island’s aquaculture industry has steadily been on the rise for

the past two-plus decades. From 1996 to 2019, the number of

aquaculture farms in Rhode Island increased from six to 81 and the

amount of space they occupy, from less than 20 acres to nearly 340,

according to information presented by Rod Hudson, a shellfish

hatchery manager and adjunct professor at Roger Williams

University, during an aquaculture discussion Aug. 12 at Tiverton

Public Library. The event was organized by Rep. Michelle McGaw, a

Democrat who represents Little Compton, Portsmouth and


And while the general sentiment across the state, including by many

who use the same waters to play, is that aquaculture is good for the

local economy and environment — oysters like other bivalves filter

water and remove excess nutrients such as nitrogen; the farming

and harvesting of shellfish doesn’t require antibiotics and fertilizers;

a small oyster farm can clean as much as 100 million gallons of

water daily — resistance has become strong. Concerns have been

raised that this intensifying interest in marine farming is eroding

the proper management of aquaculture farm leases.

The Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is the agency

responsible for managing aquaculture leases. Under CRMC

regulations, a maximum of 5 percent of a pond’s water surface area

can be used for commercial aquaculture.

The application process includes site visits by the Rhode Island

Department of Environmental Management (DEM), the Army

Corps of Engineers and the Rhode Island Historical Preservation &

Heritage Commission. The application is also given a 30-day public

notice period. This review determines if the proposal will be met

with conflict, and the application is either approved or denied by

CRMC’s aquaculture coordinator before the project is voted on by

the 10-member board.

The agency’s current aquaculture coordinator, Benjamin Goetsch,

told the Tiverton Harbor & Coastal Waters Management

Commission at a meeting in March that CRMC doesn’t tell

aquaculture applicants where to put their projects, saying the review

process is designed to determine if a chosen site can accommodate

such an operation.

The regulations and the application process are meant to provide

structure for a growing industry, but it is Rhode Island General Law

20-10-1 that sets the foundation.

“It is in the best public interest of the people and the state that the

land and waters of the state are utilized properly and effectively to

produce plant and animal life,” according to state law. “The process

of aquaculture should only be conducted within the waters of the

state in a manner consistent with the best public interest.”

But what is in the public’s best interest is a matter of opinion.

Aquaculture expansion is certainly positive, as the state is bringing

back an industry that had its last boom at the turn of the 20th

century. Tourism, recreation and commercial fishing are also

important to the Ocean State, but when boaters, abutters and

fishermen have less access to coastal waters, tensions build.

Coastal property owners, recreational water users, anglers,

waterfowl hunters, aquaculture operators and state officials are

grappling with how to navigate their way through a complicated

situation involving a shared resource.

With Rhode Island’s aquaculture footprint growing, CRMC, during

its ongoing effort to develop a Narragansett Bay Special Area

Management Plan, “is holding robust discussions with an

aquaculture working group and is looking hard at all of the

processes involved in notifying, reviewing and deciding upon

aquaculture applications for our public trust waters.”

Aquaculture can be a growing business if sites are chosen well,

according to the Rhode Island Shellfisherman’s Association.

The East Coast Shellfish Growers Association recommends that

growers, “Make a best effort to communicate early and openly with

water-based and land-based neighbors about any facet of their

operation which might affect them.”

While Rhode Island’s main aquaculture crop is oysters, farmers are also raising hard-shell clams, mussels and seaweed. (istock)

User conflicts

Aquaculture projects proposed for the Sakonnet River in Tiverton

have galvanized residents. Neighbors claim they did not hear about

the two projects until they were well along in the CRMC approval

process. This lack of transparency, they say, has made an alreadycontentious

situation more problematic. They say the state’s

notification process is lacking, ignores abutters and other water

users, and needs to be revamped.

However, unlike municipal zoning and local land-use issues,

abutters are not required to be notified by CRMC or DEM of

aquaculture operations proposed for state waters.

Kenneth Mendez, who has owned a home on Sapowet Marsh for the

past three years, is among those concerned about plans to put more

oyster cages in a Tiverton waterbody popular with the public. Two

existing aquaculture operations on the eastern shoreline of the

Sakonnet River take up about 5.5 acres in Tiverton’s riparian waters.

In a June 11 email to the DEM director, Mendez expressed concern

that there is a lack of public notice when it comes to hearings

associated with aquaculture projects. He said this lack of

notification can potentially impact the outcome of important votes.

CRMC noted it has created an online listserve for anyone who

wants to be notified of any activities related to Rhode Island

aquaculture. The agency also has a webpage devoted to the industry.

To address residents’ concerns, the Tiverton Town Council recently

directed the town solicitor to look over a proposed resolution that,

if passed locally and sent to the General Assembly, could give

residents more time to respond to aquaculture proposals than state

regulations currently require.

The resolution was reportedly put on the agenda by council

member Jay Edwards. He has expressed concern about the way

CRMC has dealt with the aquaculture farms proposed to the north

and south of Sapowet Point on the Sakonnet River.

The proposed Bowen oyster farm plan — the one south of Sapowet

Point and near where Sapowet Marsh empties into the Sakonnet

River — was submitted by Little Compton brothers Patrick and

Sean Bowen. Their application seeks CRMC permission to

submerge up to 200 oysters cages in a 0.95-acre area 285 feet


The farm would be the Bowens’ first dabble at running an

aquaculture operation. Patrick, who teaches at the Diman Regional

Vocational Technical High School in Fall River, Mass., and Sean,

who is the aquaculture coordinator and composting coordinator for

the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, told

ecoRI News the operation would start small, with 30-40 cages.

Perhaps in five years the farm would ramp up to the maximum 200

cages, they said.

As for claims the public wasn’t made adequately aware of the

project, the lifelong Rhode Islanders said seven public hearings have

been held on their proposal, the comment period was extended by

15 days and their application has been posted on the websites of

CRMC and the town of Tiverton. The brothers noted they have

changed the farm’s plan three times to address residents’ concerns.

A group of Tiverton residents and others who use local waterways for recreation have come out against aquaculture operations proposed for the Sapowet Marsh Wildlife Management Area of the Sakonnet River. (Frank Carini/ecoRI News)

The Bowen aquaculture plan was originally filed in December 2019

and was expected to come to a CRMC board vote in June, but

pushback from opponents, including Mendez, Rick Metcalf, Clint

Clemens and Donald Libbey, delayed the process.

The project’s opponents have since launched a website and posted

signs up and down Seapowet Avenue urging the preservation of

access rights to the popular waterway.

Mendez, who regularly fishes for stripers and blues in the area

where the Bowens’ oyster cages would be submerged, told ecoRI

News the farm would encroach on a public trust.

Metcalf, an avid Sakonnet River kayaker whose property overlooks

the area where the Bowens have proposed their aquaculture

operation, said DEM’s nearby Sapowet Marsh Wildlife Management

Area parking lots are packed Saturdays and Sundays with people

boating, fishing and swimming in the tidal waters behind his house.

In a June 22 email to CRMC about the two Sakonnet River

aquaculture projects, Libbey, a Neck Road resident, wrote that while

“we can appreciate that this use seems compatible with the area, it is

not.” He said both locations are heavily used by recreational boaters,

swimmers and anglers and their free flow of navigation would be

interrupted by the aquaculture operations.

In another late-June email to CRMC, in regards to the Bowen

aquaculture proposal, Peter Jenkins, owner of a Middletown-based

saltwater fishing store and a member of the Rhode Island Saltwater

Anglers Association’s Access Committee, wrote that the proposed

site would “unreasonably interfere with, impair, and significantly

impact existing use of tidal waters. There are few waters in Rhode

Island that are as safe and as accessible as this area for recreational

anglers who wade fish.”

Sean Bowen, who graduated from Unity College in Maine with a

degree in sustainable aquaculture, called the claims the operation

would interfere with recreational uses misleading. He noted the 16-

inch-high cages would be submerged, four buoys would mark the

farm’s perimeter and the cages would be placed in rows of 10, with

25 feet between each row. He said kayaks and paddleboards would

be able to pass over the cages. He said there would still be plenty of

room to fish.

“We want a low-profile operation with a low-carbon footprint,”

Patrick Bowen said. “We want to be invisible.”

Tiverton resident Will Miranda is concerned about the impact the

growing number of Rhode Island aquaculture operations are having

on commercial fishing. While not a commercial fisherman himself,

his father and other family members are, and he believes

aquaculture farms can make valuable fishing and wild shellfishing

areas inaccessible.

“They’re going up everywhere and anywhere,” he said. “We need to

find suitable places to put them, but it seems like there is no plan for

where they can be put. They should be going in places that have

minimal impacts on the community.”

Miranda is also a kite surfer, but the 38-year-old doesn’t believe

aquaculture, at least when it comes to his recreational use of salt

ponds and coastal areas, hinders his enjoyment.

“I could get tangled up in cages and buoys and fall, but that’s my

problem,” he said. “That’s on me.” He said floating cages are the

bigger problem for a kiteboarder.

The New England chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers has

said the impacts to hunters’ use of the Sapowet Marsh area have not

been acknowledged, considered or addressed.

The Boehringer aquaculture application, submitted in January by

Wakefield residents Brad Boehringer and Travis Lundgren, requests

the use of floating and submerged gear to raise oysters and scallops

in a nearly 3-acre site north of Sapowet Point.

A similar situation is playing out in South Kingstown, where a

proposed 3-acre expansion of an aquaculture operation in Potter

Pond’s Segar Cove has received pushback. Neighbors are concerned

the project would effectively privatize more of the pond and further

limit public access. Potter Pond currently features about 9 acres of


Like in Tiverton, opponents have created a website, made CRMC

aware of their disapproval and hired attorneys.

The Sakonnet River applications are currently under review and

therefore CRMC can’t comment on them directly, according to

Laura Dwyer, the agency’s public educator and information


She noted the Potter Pond project still needs to go before the CRMC

board for consideration. In an early August email, she said the

board is waiting on scheduling and a written recommendation from

a subcommittee.

“Regarding aquaculture generally, the CRMC has always sought to

balance the many uses of our coastal ponds and Narragansett Bay,

of which aquaculture is one,” Dwyer wrote. “However, CRMC

evaluates each application it receives on its own merits, and also

considers what the impacts of these proposed activities may be with

the many recreational, commercial, and other uses and users of the

state’s Public Trust waters.”

No one at CRMC was made available to speak about the growing

demands being put on Rhode Island’s salt ponds and coastal areas

and how this space is being managed. The next CRMC board

meeting is scheduled for Aug. 24.


Special House Commission Takes First Steps Toward CRMC Revamp


I support aquaculture, but not at Seapowet