Duxbury: A Cautionary Tale
Original article published in Plymouth.Wicketlocal.com in July 30, 2017
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The problem is that the area where Bennett now has a commercial oyster operation was once open to all of the residents of that remote nob at the end of Duxbury Beach, families who used it for recreational boating, clamming, swimming and more.
And now, according to several people who spoke at the hearing, it often looks like a commercial operation and they are barred from entering the area.
Carl Souza has been there all his life, he said, and he knows everyone down there. He was visibly upset at what he sees happening.
“The area he chose was one that was used recreationally by the whole community,” Carl said. “At high tide for water skiing, for sailing, fishing along that point - the bass fishing was phenomenal.”
Carl Souza said the site often looks like a commercial seaport now, with all sorts of equipment, boats and materials stacked up, tracks everywhere.